Monday, April 12, 2010

First Job in Germany

My first job in Germany has finally come! I'm flying to a place within Germany, called Dusseldorf for a hair shoot.

After a two hour flight to Dusseldorf I arrive to meet a charming old German guy with a leather jacket called Rainer. We drive 1 hour in his taxi listening to old school rock while we exchange stories about our home and passions. I’m surprised to learn that he has a passion for motorbikes and rides his Yamaha 260km/hr down the highway!

We arrive to a place called Aachen, only pronounced correctly if you’re when coughing up phlegm. Rainer tells me this was the home of a 13th Century ruler of all of Europe; King of all Kings. When I arrive to my hotel after getting a colour through my hair I feel nothing short of royalty. The Pullman Hotel looks like an 18th century palace. The white pillars are illuminated and the doors open automatically on arrival to make me feel like a princess. I’m in awe of the marble floors and detailed ceilings and the friendly service is like icing on the cake. I will sleep like a baby tonight.

Shoot day the following day and arrive at the studio at 8am to get into hair and makeup. The team are running around getting models ready. I sit in my chair and wait... and wait... and wait. Wait for the hair team to decide what they want, wait for the foils to set, wait for my hair to be styled, wait for my makeup to be applied, wait for my turn to shoot. Luckily for me I love reading.

Part of being a good model is practicing extreme patience with a smile. I've had to stay in the one position for hours without moving a muscle to ensure a single hair wouldn't move out of place. The urge to jump around the room to something like 'Dancing Shoes' by Artic Monkeys can be overwhelming sometimes.

Ten hours and half a book later the shoot is wrapped and I'm on my way back to my temporary home in Berlin. The shoot is a success, which means the client is satisfied. Happy days! Keep posted for the photos...

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