Monday, September 29, 2014

Depths of The Deep Blue

I had an amazing experience in Antarctica over summer as producer for 'Whale Wars' on the Sea Shepherd 'Operation Relentless' campaign. These are some words I wrote on the trip...

Broken Majestic
Open your eyes, what can you see?

Is it clear to you as it is to me?
The poisonous touch of humankind
That seems to make the world go blind

A bloodstained smear
On what once was perfection
Ignored by governments
For the sake of election

When the other cheek is turned
Much more than darkness is missed
The love returned by the mother
Like lips against a forehead kissed

To take in the bad, the ugly, the raw
To feel what it means, when it cuts to the core
Only then we’ll receive this life as a whole
The beauty that touches deep in our soul

Are your eyes wide open?
Looking beyond the daily grime
Feel through pain and devastation
What lies beyond can be divine

Photo : Andrew Correl