Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surrender to the Storm

You're caught out at sea, paddling against the current. A wave comes crashing over you, dragging you under briefly. You resurface and keep swimming. A larger wave comes and sweeps you under again. Then another, and another. You are starting to tire, but still you go on. More waves wash over you more fiercely than the last. Your arms are weakening, your breath getting faint. You are struggling to keep your head above water but your fighting spirit persists. You can see the sunlight from the bottom of the ocean and keep pushing, gasping and paddling towards it. You refuse to let the ocean get the better of you. The greatest wave of all comes suddenly, dragging you under to the ocean floor. 
At this moment you realise, you will never defeat the ocean. You are just a man fighting against the great Mother. You have no choice but to surrender. You let go of the fight and let the current take control. For the first time you feel a sense of relief and peace taking over your whole being. The ocean guides you back to shore. You are not defeated, but enlightened. You now see the ocean from a whole new perspective. There is no longer an overwhelming struggle for survival, but a feeling of love, joy and beauty. You make peace with the ocean and put your trust in her once more.

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